Cadavre Exquis is dimples of laughter and puzzly wrinkles.

It‘s a game of telephone and paper folds with sticky hands..

Cadavre Exquis is a playfully groping with the depth of connection.

Profound, Poignant and Pop in the best sense of the word is when 30 artists from a wide variety of trades and degrees of professionalism come together on the playing field of photography - the most accessible, low-threshold and widespread imaging process of our time - through which we enter into a staggered dialogue with each other:

Borrowed from André Breton and the jolly Surrealists, the principle is as simple as it is ingenious:

One participant begins with their contribution and passes it on to the next person in line, who responds as freely, formal or content-driven as he or she likes. The réponse, however, is not passed back to the first person but rather to the next one in line..

This is repeated a total of 60 times, since in the current round we play the sequence parallely in both directions.
In this way a continuous series is created, that is connected through content and aesthetics even though until the opening of the vernissage, each artist only knows their own work and the one picture they received as template.

Come into our circle and trust your intuition.

Come with curiosity about the obvious as well as what is hidden behind it...





Represented by ato


We are a small photo collective consisting of 6 photographers+ who graduated together from the Lette-Verein Berlin in 2013. After the first years of professional life, we realized together that we were missing the free works and thus the first small rounds of "Cadavre Exquis" were born. 

In the beginning in the lineup of the six of us. Then for the first big round in 2016, each of us invited 4 people from the field of photography. This first experience of the opening + unveiling 2016 in Studio 1 - Bethanien inspired us so much to repeat this work now annually with always new photographers+innen in the round to bring.


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